Tore Henning Tveter web site
Electronics you can't bye
The field electronics have always been close to my heart.
In particular, sound engineering, and logic functions that must be specially made.
Therefore, I have over the years been able to help people with constructions without they had a fat wallet.
I'm now an old man with lots of experience.
I believe that I possess a very good knowledge, from old tube amplifiers right up to today's
with transistors and opamps.
In the field of sound engineering, I think that I am fully updated,
but if I take off the lid and peer down into these new digital boxes,
I must sadly admit that my field only extends within analog sound engineering.
There are many problems that can be solved by the electronics,
if one has a broad overview and knowledge over the standard "shelf" electronics elements that can be linked together.
On these pages you will see examples of problems and solutions.
Some examples dating back to around 1971 but the solution is still a good one.
Others have elements that I accidentally discovered for more than 20 years ago,
in connection with another project, but which today are considered as state of the art in the right connection.
After 10 years without practice, I would like to start up with the design of electronics again,
for this I needed a free PCB program. Found this one on the web ExpressPCB.
This was both a circuit diagram program, integrated with a circuit board layout program.
But it was amazing, this American company, delivered 4 ea. finished prototype PCB under 7 work days.
And the quality was great, 2 sides, through plated, PCB solder stop lacquer on both sides
as well as component silkscreen.
An online connection Checked your design for errors, it also acquired all the info on the circuit board.
The price was also acceptable about $ 250 including UPS to Norway.