From left: Tore Tveter, Guttorm Bjerkely, Oddbjørn Bjerkely, Oddvin
Sørli, Terje Laache.
From left: Tore Tveter, Oddbjørn Bjerkely, Guttorm Bjerkely, Bjørn Sørli,
Terje Laache.
From left: Tore Tveter, Sturla Rosø, Wenche Karlsen, Oddbjørn Bjerkely,
Terje Karlsen ,Bjørn Sørli
1997 From left: Laslo Catai, Tore Tveter, Johnny
Darmstad, Kåre Teddybjørnsen ( The brown bear) Hans Finnland
1998 From left: Tore Tveter, Roger Pettersson,
Johnny Darmstad, Hans Finnland, Laslo Catai
2000 From left: Ola Welo, Bjørn Sørlie, Tore
Tveter, Tor Dahl
Time passed quickly, and after awhile I
found myself being in
1975. Terje Laace came to me, asking me, to
join him for to start up a new band. At that time I
wasn't especially interested, but said yes after miscellaneous on pressure.
When I have said yes, starts the serious
work ......
First we needed a front figure on vocal, so I ask Odvin Sørli
from JIM ODDWINDS to join us. A good voice together with
his guitar should be something. A drummer wasn't easy to get
those days, so we put in an classified ad in our local newspaper,
got lucky, and suddenly did we have Guttorm Bjerkely placed
back the drums.
On the
next band exercise he came with his brother Oddbjørn Bjerkely (twins) said he could fix almost anything on his guitar.
We quick understood that we couldn't say no to such a good rhythm and
lead guitar player. I Tore Tveter played the
bass part, and Terje Laache was on Keyboards. We finally got
a band, and
the band needed a name. Many different names came up, but none who
could connect the band name to the music we wish to play, the 50 -
60's. At that time I smoked the cigarette called Teddy, and
after a look down on the package, I said the name should be TEDDYS.
Everyone said it was a good name, and in this way then we got our name.
I wanted a PA for almost nothing, so this time I had to construct and
build it self.
The quality on op-amps we had from before, had been substantial improved, so I
buildt a good and reasonable 6 channel mixser without to much noise. I
had also buildt up the
PA loudspeakers with JBL elements JBL E150 and JBL 075 on top
(Today, still plays very beautiful). Needed also a poweramp, again a self buildt
transistor construction with surprising 2 x 60W RMS in 8 ohm. On the
backline we had an VOX AC30 and a self buildt Bass amp
with loudspeaker. We got lot of gigs, and the popularity just
increased and increased. Terje Laache believed it was our time now,
to record something in recording studio.
Had found a cheap home recording studio in a place called Maura.
I came early to check out the studio, and found big problems with the mixser.
Had to swing the
soldering iron a lot, before we could start the recording.
The background (playbacks) on 2 tracks, was finish at 4 AM next morning. I
wasn't so happy with the results, so
the studio owner had to take his tape recorder home to me, where we
finished the vocal recording. The job was done on our own stereo mixser ( I also had an 2
track machine). The result was a promotion cassette, so TEDDYS got
still more gigs.
Under construction more is coming later